What we would like our blog to be.
What we would like our blog to be.
A place for us to share our ideas, travels, our projects old and new. To show how we do something, it’s not a recommendation for anyone to copy. A good example is Lenka’s carving style, is something we would certainly not recommend to anyone else. Likewise, if we share a blog on sharpening chisels or using a band saw it is purely what we have taught ourselves to get a job done. We are not saying we are experts we do thing out of necessity, because there is no one else to do it. We have no risk assessments, just a desire not to injure ourselves or anyone else.
So we hope you enjoy what we share when we share something, making Puppets and Marionettes is not something that lends itself to a constant posts and daily blogging, but we will do our best.
Stay Safe and Best Wishes Lenka & George.